This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Ben Yu

What scenario does the following code test?
TEST_F(BankAccountTest, WithdrawFromAccount) {
  Transaction transaction = account_.Deposit(Usd(5));

  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(5)), IsOk());
  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(1)), IsRejected());
  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(1)), IsOk());
Translated to English: “(1) I had $5 and was able to withdraw $5; (2) then got rejected when overdrawing $1; (3) but if I enable overdraft with a $1 limit, I can withdraw $1.” If that sounds a little hard to track, it is: it is testing three scenarios, not one.

A better approach is to exercise each scenario in its own test:
TEST_F(BankAccountTest, CanWithdrawWithinBalance) {
  DepositAndSettle(Usd(5));  // Common setup code is extracted into a helper method.
  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(5)), IsOk());
TEST_F(BankAccountTest, CannotOverdraw) {
  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(6)), IsRejected());
TEST_F(BankAccountTest, CanOverdrawUpToOverdraftLimit) {
  EXPECT_THAT(account_.Withdraw(Usd(6)), IsOk());

Writing tests this way provides many benefits:

  • Logic is easier to understand because there is less code to read in each test method.
  • Setup code in each test is simpler because it only needs to serve a single scenario.
  • Side effects of one scenario will not accidentally invalidate or mask a later scenario’s assumptions.
  • If a scenario in one test fails, other scenarios will still run since they are unaffected by the failure.
  • Test names clearly describe each scenario, which makes it easier to learn which scenarios exist.
One sign that you might be testing more than one scenario: after asserting the output of one call to the system under test, the test makes another call to the system under test.

While a scenario for a unit test often consists of a single call to the system under test, its scope can be larger for integration and end-to-end tests. For example, a test that a web UI can send email might open the inbox, click the compose button, write some text, and press the send button.