by Patrik Höglund

This is the second in a series of articles about Chrome’s WebRTC Interop Test. See the first.

In the previous blog post we managed to write an automated test which got a WebRTC call between Firefox and Chrome to run. But how do we verify that the call actually worked?

Verifying the Call

Now we can launch the two browsers, but how do we figure out the whether the call actually worked? If you try opening two tabs in the same room, you will notice the video feeds flip over using a CSS transform, your local video is relegated to a small frame and a new big video feed with the remote video shows up. For the first version of the test, I just looked at the page in the Chrome debugger and looked for some reliable signal. As it turns out, the property will go from 0 to 1 when the call goes up and from 1 to 0 when it goes down. Since we can execute arbitrary JavaScript in the Chrome tab from the test, we can simply implement the check like this:

bool WaitForCallToComeUp(content::WebContents* tab_contents) {
  // Apprtc will set to 1 when the call comes up.
  std::string javascript =
  return test::PollingWaitUntil(javascript, "1", tab_contents);

Verifying Video is Playing

So getting a call up is good, but what if there is a bug where Firefox and Chrome cannot send correct video streams to each other? To check that, we needed to step up our game a bit. We decided to use our existing video detector, which looks at a video element and determines if the pixels are changing. This is a very basic check, but it’s better than nothing. To do this, we simply evaluate the .js file’s JavaScript in the context of the Chrome tab, making the functions in the file available to us. The implementation then becomes

bool DetectRemoteVideoPlaying(content::WebContents* tab_contents) {
  if (!EvalInJavascriptFile(tab_contents, GetSourceDir().Append(
    return false;
  if (!EvalInJavascriptFile(tab_contents, GetSourceDir().Append(
    return false;

  // The remote video tag is called remoteVideo in the AppRTC code.
  StartDetectingVideo(tab_contents, "remoteVideo");
  return true;

where StartDetectingVideo and WaitForVideoToPlay call the corresponding JavaScript methods in video_detector.js. If the video feed is frozen and unchanging, the test will time out and fail.

What to Send in the Call

Now we can get a call up between the browsers and detect if video is playing. But what video should we send? For chrome, we have a convenient --use-fake-device-for-media-stream flag that will make Chrome pretend there’s a webcam and present a generated video feed (which is a spinning green ball with a timestamp). This turned out to be useful since Firefox and Chrome cannot acquire the same camera at the same time, so if we didn’t use the fake device we would have two webcams plugged into the bots executing the tests!

Bots running in Chrome’s regular test infrastructure do not have either software or hardware webcams plugged into them, so this test must run on bots with webcams for Firefox to be able to acquire a camera. Fortunately, we have that in the WebRTC waterfalls in order to test that we can actually acquire hardware webcams on all platforms. We also added a check to just succeed the test when there’s no real webcam on the system since we don’t want it to fail when a dev runs it on a machine without a webcam:

if (!HasWebcamOnSystem())

It would of course be better if Firefox had a similar fake device, but to my knowledge it doesn’t.

Downloading all Code and Components 

Now we have all we need to run the test and have it verify something useful. We just have the hard part left: how do we actually download all the resources we need to run this test? Recall that this is actually a three-way integration test between Chrome, Firefox and AppRTC, which require the following:

  • The AppEngine SDK in order to bring up the local AppRTC instance, 
  • The AppRTC code itself, 
  • Chrome (already present in the checkout), and 
  • Firefox nightly.

While developing the test, I initially just hand-downloaded these and installed and hard-coded the paths. This is a very bad idea in the long run. Recall that the Chromium infrastructure is comprised of thousands and thousands of machines, and while this test will only run on perhaps 5 at a time due to its webcam requirements, we don’t want manual maintenance work whenever we replace a machine. And for that matter, we definitely don’t want to download a new Firefox by hand every night and put it on the right location on the bots! So how do we automate this?

Downloading the AppEngine SDK
First, let’s start with the easy part. We don’t really care if the AppEngine SDK is up-to-date, so a relatively stale version is fine. We could have the test download it from the authoritative source, but that’s a bad idea for a couple reasons. First, it updates outside our control. Second, there could be anti-robot measures on the page. Third, the download will likely be unreliable and fail the test occasionally.

The way we solved this was to upload a copy of the SDK to a Google storage bucket under our control and download it using the depot_tools script This is a lot more reliable than an external website and will not download the SDK if we already have the right version on the bot.

Downloading the AppRTC Code
This code is on GitHub. Experience has shown that git clone commands run against GitHub will fail every now and then, and fail the test. We could either write some retry mechanism, but we have found it’s better to simply mirror the git repository in Chromium’s internal mirrors, which are closer to our bots and thereby more reliable from our perspective. The pull is done by a Chromium DEPS file (which is Chromium’s dependency provisioning framework).

Downloading Firefox
It turns out that Firefox supplies handy libraries for this task. We’re using mozdownload in this script in order to download the Firefox nightly build. Unfortunately this fails every now and then so we would like to have some retry mechanism, or we could write some mechanism to “mirror” the Firefox nightly build in some location we control.

Putting it Together

With that, we have everything we need to deploy the test. You can see the final code here.

The provisioning code above was put into a separate “.gclient solution” so that regular Chrome devs and bots are not burdened with downloading hundreds of megs of SDKs and code that they will not use. When this test runs, you will first see a Chrome browser pop up, which will ensure the local apprtc instance is up. Then a Firefox browser will pop up. They will each acquire the fake device and real camera, respectively, and after a short delay the AppRTC call will come up, proving that video interop is working.

This is a complicated and expensive test, but we believe it is worth it to keep the main interop case under automation this way, especially as the spec evolves and the browsers are in varying states of implementation.

Future Work

  • Also run on Windows/Mac. 
  • Also test Opera. 
  • Interop between Chrome/Firefox mobile and desktop browsers. 
  • Also ensure audio is playing. 
  • Measure bandwidth stats, video quality, etc.