Testing Blog
RPF: Google's Record Playback Framework
Thursday, November 17, 2011
By Jason Arbon
, folks asked how well the Record/Playback (RPF) works in the Browser Integrated Test Environment (
). We were originally skeptical ourselves, but figured somebody should try. Here is some anecdotal data and some background on how we started measuring the quality of RPF.
The idea is to just let users use the application in the browser, record their actions, and save them as a javascript to play back as a regression test or repro later. Like most test tools, especially code generating ones, it works most of the time but its not perfect. Po Hu had an early version working, and decided to test this out on a real world product. Po, the developer of RPF, worked with the chrome web store team to see how an early version would work for them. Why
chrome web store
? It is a website with lots of data-driven UX, authentication, file upload, and it was changing all the time and breaking existing
scripts: a pretty hard web testing problem, only targeted the chrome browser, and most importantly they were sitting 20 feet from us.
Before sharing with the chrome web store test developer Wensi Liu, we invested a bit of time in doing something we thought was clever: fuzzy matching and inline updating of the test scripts. Selenium rocks, but after an initial regression suite is created, many teams end up spending a lot of time simply maintaining their Selenium tests as the products constantly change. Rather than simply fail like the existing Selenium automation would do when a certain element isn’t found, and require some manual DOM inspection, updating the Java code and re-deploying, re-running, re-reviewing the test code what if the test script just kept running and updates to the code could be as simple as point and click? We would keep track of all the attributes in the element recorded, and when executing we would calculate the percent match between the recorded attributes and values and those found while running. If the match isn’t exact, but within tolerances (say only its parent node or class attribute had changed), we would log a warning and keep executing the test case. If the next test steps appeared to be working as well, the tests would keep executing during test passes only log warnings, or if in debug mode, they would pause and allow for a quick update of the matching rule with point and click via the BITE UI. We figured this might reduce the number of false-positive test failures and make updating them much quicker.
We were wrong, but in a good way!
We talked to the tester after a few days of leaving him alone with RPF. He’d already re-created most of his Selenium suite of tests in RPF, and the tests were already breaking because of product changes (its a tough life for a tester at google to keep up with the developers rate of change). He seemed happy, so we asked him how this new fuzzy matching fanciness was working, or not. Wensi was like “oh yeah, that? Don’t know. Didn’t really use it...”. We started to think how our update UX could have been confusing or not discoverable, or broken. Instead, Wensi said that when a test broke, it was just far easier to re-record the script. He had to re-test the product anyway, so why not turn recording on when he manually verified things were still working, remove the old test and save this newly recorded script for replay later?
During that first week of trying out RPF, Wensi found:
77% of the features in Webstore were testable by RPF
Generating regression test scripts via this early version of RPF was about 8X faster than building them via Selenium/WebDriver
The RPF scripts caught 6 functional regressions and many more intermittent server failures.
Common setup routines like login should be saved as modules for reuse (a crude version of this was working soon after)
RPF worked on Chrome OS, where Selenium by definition could never run as it required client-side binaries. RPF worked because it was a pure cloud solution, running entirely within the browser, communicating with a backend on the web.
Bugs filed via bite, provided a simple link, which would install BITE on the developers machine and re-execute the repros on their side. No need for manually crafted repro steps. This was cool.
Wensi wished RPF was cross browser. It only worked in Chrome, but people did occasionally visit the site with a non-Chrome browser.
So, we knew we were onto something interesting and continued development. In the near term though, chrome web store testing went back to using Selenium because that final 23% of features required some local Java code to handle file upload and secure checkout scenarios. In hindsight, a little testability work on the server could have solved this with some AJAX calls from the client.
We performed a check of how RPF faired on some of the top sites of the web. This is shared on the
BITE project wiki
. This is now a little bit out of date, with lots more fixes, but it gives you a feel for what doesn’t work. Consider it Alpha quality at this point. It works for most scenarios, but there are still some serious corner cases.
Joe Muharsky drove a lot of the UX (user experience) design for BITE to turn our original and clunky developer and functional-centric UX into something intuitive. Joe’s key focus was to keep the UX out of the way until it is needed, and make things as self-discoverable and findable as possible. We’ve haven't done formal usability studies yet, but have done several experiments with external crowd testers using these tools, with minimal instructions, as well as internal dogfooders filing bugs against Google Maps with little confusion. Some of the fancier parts of RPF have some hidden easter eggs of awkwardness, but the basic record and playback scenarios seem to be obvious to folks.
RPF has graduated from the experimental centralized test team to be a formal part of the Chrome team, and used regularly for regression test passes. The team also has an eye on enabling non-coding crowd sourced testers generate regression scripts via BITE/RPF.
Please join us in maintaining
, and be nice to Po Hu and Joel Hynoski who are driving this work forward within Google.
GTAC Videos Now Available
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
By James Whittaker
All the GTAC 2011 talks are now available at
and also up on You Tube. A hearty thanks to all the speakers who helped make this the best GTAC ever.
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ScriptCover makes Javascript coverage analysis easy
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
By Ekaterina Kamenskaya, Software Engineer in Test, YouTube
Today we introduce the Javascript coverage analysis tool
. It is a Chrome extension that provides line-by-line Javascript code coverage statistics for web pages in real time without any user modifications required. The results are collected both when the page loads and as users interact with it.
The tool reports details about total web page coverage and for each external/internal script, as well as annotated code sources with individually highlighted executed lines.
Short report in Chrome extension’s popup, detailing both overall scores and per-script coverage.
Main features:
Report current and previous total Javascript coverage percentages and total number of instrumented code instructions.
Report Javascript coverage per individual instruction for each internal and external script.
Display detailed reports with annotated Javascript source code.
Recalculate coverage statistics while loading the page and on user actions.
Sample of annotated source code from detailed report. First two columns are line number and number of times each instruction has been executed.
Here are the benefits of
over other existing tools:
Per instructions coverage for external and internal scripts:
The tool formats original external and internal Javascript code from ‘<script>’ tags to ideally place one instruction per line and then calculates and displays Javascript coverage statistics.
It is useful even when the code is compressed to one line.
Users can get updated Javascript coverage statistics while the web page is loading and while interacting with the page.
Easy to use:
Users with different levels of expertise can install and use the tool to analyse coverage. Additionally, there is no need to write tests, modify the web application’s code, save the inspected web page locally, manually change proxy settings, etc.
When the extension is activated in a Chrome browser, users just navigate through web pages and get coverage statistics on the fly.
It’s free and open source!
Want to try it out?
and let us know what you think
We envision many potential features and improvements for
If you are passionate about code coverage, read our
participate in
discussion group
Your contributions to the project’s
code base
feature requests
are welcome!
Google Test Analytics - Now in Open Source
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Jim Reardon
The test plan is dead!
Well, hopefully. At a STAR West session this past week,
ames Whittaker
asked a group of test professionals about test plans. His first question: “How many people here write test plans?” About 80 hands shot up instantly, a vast majority of the room. “How many of you get value or refer to them again after a week?” Exactly three people raised their hands.
That’s a lot of time being spent writing documents that are often long-winded, full of paragraphs of details on a project everyone already knows to get abandoned so quickly.
A group of us at Google set about creating a methodology that can replace a test plan -- it needed to be comprehensive, quick, actionable, and have sustained value to a project. In the past few weeks, James has posted a few blogs about this methodology, which we’ve called ACC. It's a tool to break down a software product into its constituent parts, and the method by which we created "10 Minute Test Plans" (that only take 30 minutes!)
The ACC methodology creates a matrix that describes your project completely; several projects that have used it internally at Google have found coverage areas that were missing in their conventional test plans.
The ACC methodology is fast; we’ve created ACC breakdowns for complex projects in under half an hour. Far faster than writing a conventional test plan.
As part of your ACC breakdown, risk is assessed to the capabilities of your appliciation. Using these values, you get a heat map of your project, showing the areas with the highest risk -- great places to spend some quality time testing.
Sustained Value
We’ve built in some experimental features that bring your ACC test plan to life by importing data signals like bugs and test coverage that quantify the risk across your project.
Today, I'm happy to announce we're
open sourcing Test Analytics
, a tool built at Google to make generating an ACC simple -- and which brings some experimental ideas we had around the field of risk-based testing that work hand-in-hand with the ACC breakdown.
Defining a project’s ACC model.
Test Analytics has two main parts: first and foremost, it's a step-by-step tool to create an ACC matrix that's faster and much simpler than the Google Spreadsheets we used before the tool existed. It also provides visualizations of the matrix and risks associated with your ACC Capabilities that were difficult or impossible to do in a simple spreadsheet.
A project’s Capabilities grid.
The second part is taking the ACC plan and making it a living, automatic-updating risk matrix. Test Analytics does this by importing quality signals from your project: Bugs, Test Cases, Test Results, and Code Changes. By importing these data, Test Analytics lets you visualize risk that isn't just estimated or guessed, but based on quantitative values. If a Component or Capability in your project has had a lot of code change or many bugs are still open or not verified as working, the risk in that area is higher. Test Results can provide a mitigation to those risks -- if you run tests and import passing results, the risk in an area gets lower as you test.
A project’s risk, calculated as a factor of inherent risk as well as imported quality signals.
This part's still experimental; we're playing around with how we calculate risk based on these signals to best determine risk. However, we wanted to release this functionality early so we can get feedback from the testing community on how well it works for teams so we can iterate and make the tool even more useful. It'd also be great to import even more quality signals: code complexity, static code analysis, code coverage, external user feedback and more are all ideas we've had that could add an even higher level of dynamic data to your test plan.
An overview of test results, bugs, and code changes attributed to a project’s capability. The Capability’s total risk is affected by these factors.
You can check out a
live hosted version
, browse or check out
the code
along with
, and of course if you have any feedback let us know - there's a
Google Group set up for discussion
, where we'll be active in responding to questions and sharing our experiences with Test Analytics so far.
Long live the test plan!
Google JS Test, now in Open Source
Monday, October 17, 2011
By Aaron Jacobs
Google JS Test
is a JavaScript unit testing framework that runs on the
V8 JavaScript Engine
, the same open source project that is responsible for Google Chrome’s super-fast JS execution speed. Google JS Test is used internally by several Google projects, and we’re pleased to announce that it has been released as an open source project.
Features of Google JS Test include:
Extremely fast startup and execution time, without needing to run a browser.
Clean, readable output in the case of both passing and failing tests.
An optional browser-based test runner that can simply be refreshed whenever JS is changed.
Style and semantics that resemble
Google Test
for C++.
A built-in mocking framework that requires minimal boilerplate code (e.g. no
calls), with style and semantics based on the
Google C++ Mocking Framework
A system of
allowing for expressive tests and easy to read failure output, with many built-in matchers and the ability for the user to add their own.
See the Google JS Test
project home page
for a quick introduction, and the
getting started
page for a tutorial that will teach you the basics in just a few minutes.
Take a BITE out of Bugs and Redundant Labor
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
In a time when more and more of the web is becoming streamlined, the process of filing bugs for websites remains tedious and manual. Find an issue. Switch to your bug system window. Fill out boilerplate descriptions of the problem. Switch back to the browser, take a screenshot, attach it to the issue. Type some more descriptions. The whole process is one of context switching; from the tools used to file the bug, to gather information about it, to highlight problematic areas, most of your focus as the tester is pulled away from the very application you’re trying to test.
The Browser Integrated Testing Environment, or BITE, is an open source
Chrome Extension
which aims to fix the manual web testing experience. To use the extension, it must be linked to a server providing information about bugs and tests in your system. BITE then provides the ability to file bugs from the context of a website, using relevant templates.
When filing a bug, BITE automatically grabs screenshots, links, and problematic UI elements and attaches them to the bug. This gives developers charged with investigating and/or fixing the bug a wealth of information to help them determine root causes and factors in the behavior.
When it comes to reproducing a bug, testers will often labor to remember and accurately record the exact steps taken. With BITE, however, every action the tester takes on the page is recorded in JavaScript, and can be played back later. This enables engineers to quickly determine if the steps of a bug repro in a specific environment, or whether a code change has resolved the issue.
Also included in BITE is a Record/Playback console to automate user actions in a manual test. Like the BITE recording experience, the RPF console will automatically author javascript that can be used to replay your actions at a later date. And BITE’s record and playback mechanism is fault tolerant; UI automation tests will fail from time to time, and when they do, it tends to be for test issues, rather than product issues. To that end, when a BITE playback fails, the tester can fix their recording in real-time, just by repeating the action on the page. There’s no need to touch code, or report a failing test; if your script can’t find a button to click on, just click on it again, and the script will be fixed! For those times when you do have to touch the code, we’ve used the Ace
as an inline editor, so you can make changes to your javascript in real-time.
Check out the BITE project page at
. Feedback is welcome at bite-feedback@google.com. Posted by Joe Allan Muharsky from the Web Testing Technologies Team (Jason Stredwick, Julie Ralph, Po Hu and Richard Bustamante are the members of the team that delivered the product).
Unleash the QualityBots
Thursday, October 06, 2011
By Richard Bustamante
Are you a website developer that wants to know if Chrome updates will break your website before they reach the stable release channel? Have you ever wished there was an easy way to compare how your website appears in all channels of Chrome? Now you can!
is a new open source tool for web developers created by the Web Testing team at Google. It’s a comparison tool that examines web pages across different Chrome channels using pixel-based DOM analysis. As new versions of Chrome are pushed, QualityBots serves as an early warning system for breakages. Additionally, it helps developers quickly and easily understand how their pages appear across Chrome channels.
QualityBots is built on top of
Google AppEngine
for the frontend and Amazon EC2 for the backend workers that crawl the web pages. Using QualityBots requires an Amazon EC2 account to run the virtual machines that will crawl public web pages with different versions of Chrome. The tool provides a web frontend where users can log on and request URLs that they want to crawl, see the results from the latest run on a dashboard, and drill down to get detailed information about what elements on the page are causing the trouble.
Developers and testers can use these results to identify sites that need attention due to a high amount of change and to highlight the pages that can be safely ignored when they render identically across Chrome channels. This saves time and the need for tedious compatibility testing of sites when nothing has changed.
We hope that interested website developers will take a deeper look and even join the project at the QualityBots
project page
. Feedback is more than welcome at qualitybots-discuss@googlegroups.com.
Posted by Ibrahim El Far, Web Testing Technologies Team (Eriel Thomas, Jason Stredwick, Richard Bustamante, and Tejas Shah are the members of the team that delivered this product)
Announcing the Final GTAC Agenda
Monday, September 12, 2011
By James Whittaker
The GTAC agenda is now finalized and available at:
. Looking forward to seeing everyone there. Stay tuned to this blog for updates to any pre- and post- events.
The 10 Minute Test Plan
Thursday, September 01, 2011
By James Whittaker
Anything in software development that takes ten minutes or less to perform is either trivial or is not worth doing in the first place. If you take this rule of thumb at face value, where do you place test planning? Certainly it takes more than 10 minutes. In my capacity as Test Director at Google I presided over teams that wrote a large number of test plans and every time I asked how long one would take I was told “tomorrow” or “the end of the week” and a few times, early in the day, I was promised one “by the end of the day.” So I’ll establish the task of test planning to be of the hours-to-days duration.
As to whether it is worth doing, well, that is another story entirely. Every time I look at any of the dozens of test plans my teams have written, I see dead test plans. Plans written, reviewed, referred to a few times and then cast aside as the project moves in directions not documented in the plan. This begs the question: if a plan isn’t worth bothering to update, is it worth creating in the first place?
Other times a plan is discarded because it went into too much detail or too little; still others because it provided value only in starting a test effort and not in the ongoing work. Again, if this is the case, was the plan worth the cost of creating it given its limited and diminishing value?
Some test plans document simple truths that likely didn’t really need documenting at all or provide detailed information that isn’t relevant to the day to day job of a software tester. In all these cases we are wasting effort. Let’s face facts here: there is a problem with the process and content of test plans.
To combat this, I came up with a simple task for my teams: write a test plan in 10 minutes. The idea is simple, if test plans have any value at all then let’s get to that value as quickly as possible.
Given ten minutes, there is clearly no room for fluff. It is a time period so compressed that every second must be spent doing something useful or any hope you have of actually finishing the task is gone. This was the entire intent behind the exercise from my point of view: boil test planning down to only the essentials and cut all fat and fluff. Do only what is absolutely necessary and leave the details to the test executors as opposed to the test planners. If I wanted to end the practice of writing test plans that don’t stand the test of time, this seemed a worthwhile exercise.
However, I didn’t tell the people in the experiment any of this. I told them only: here is an app, create a test plan in 10 minutes or less. Remember that these people work for me and, technically, are paid to do as I tell them. And, again
I am uniquely positioned to begin termination procedures with respect to their Google employment. On top of that I am presuming they have some measure of respect for me, which means they were likely convinced I actually thought they could do it. This was important to me. I wanted them to expect to succeed!
As preparation they could spend some time with the app in question and familiarize themselves with it. However, since many of the apps we used (Google Docs, App Engine, Talk Video, etc.) were tools they used every week, this time was short.
So here's how the task progressed:
They started, did some work and when ten minutes passed I interrupted them. They stated they weren't done yet. I responded by telling them they were out of time, nice try, here's a different problem to work on. 10 minutes later, the same thing happened and I changed the problem again. They began working faster and trying different angles, things that were too time consuming or not worth the effort got jettisoned really quick!
In each case, the teams came up with techniques that helped speed things along. They chose to jot down lists and create grids over writing long paragraphs of prose. Sentences … yes, paragraphs … no. They wasted little time on formatting and explanations and chose instead to document capabilities. Indeed, capabilities or
what the software actually does
, were the one commonality of all the plans. Capabilities were the one thing that all the teams gravitated toward as the most useful way to spend the little time they were given.
The three things that emerged as most important:
the adverbs and adjectives that describe the high level concepts testing is meant to ensure. Attributes such as fast, usable, secure, accessible and so forth.
the nouns that define the major code chunks that comprise the product. These are classes, module names and features of the application.
the verbs that describe user actions and activities.
None of the teams finished the experiment in the 10 minutes allotted. However, in 10 minutes they were all able to get through both the Attributes and Components (or things that served a similar purpose) and begin documenting Capabilities. At the end of an additional 20 minutes most of the experiments had a large enough set of Capabilities that it would have been a useful starting point for creating user stories or test cases.
Which, at least to me, made the experiment a success. I gave them 10 minutes and hoped for an hour. They had 80% of the work complete in 30 minutes. And really isn’t 80% enough? We know full well that we are not going to test everything so why document everything? We know full well that as we start testing, things (schedules, requirements, architecture, etc.) are going to change so insisting on planning precision when nothing else obeys such a calling for completeness seems out of touch with reality.
80% complete in 30 minutes or less. Now that’s what I call a 10 minute test plan!
Google Developer Day 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
By James Whittaker
Google Developer Day is gearing up for a fantastic fall season of tours that crawl the continents. And a surprise this year ...
yours truly
will be the keynote for the Developer Day in Sao Paulo Brazil and Buenos Aires Argentina in September.
Google Developer Day is a deep dive into the future of Web, Mobile and Cloud technologies crafted specifically for software engineering professionals. And this year we are adding the element of Social to tie it all together. Google+ is only the start.
If you are attending, please stop by and say hello!
for more information about dates and agenda.
1 comment
GTAC Speakers and Attendees Finalized
Thursday, August 18, 2011
We've completed the agenda for GTAC 2011 and are in the process of notifying accepted speakers and attendees. Once we have firm accepts we'll be publicizing the agenda.
Pretotyping: A Different Type of Testing
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Have you ever poured your heart and soul and blood, sweat and tears to help test and perfect a product that, after launch, flopped miserably? Not because it was not working right (you tested
the snot out of it
), but because it was not the right product.
Are you currently wasting your time testing a new product or feature that, in the end, nobody will use?
Testing typically revolves around making sure that we have built something right. Testing activities can be roughly described as “verifying that something works as intended, or as specified.” This is critical. However, before we take steps and invest time and effort to make sure that something built right, we should make sure that the thing we are testing, whether its a new feature or a whole new product, is the right thing to build in the first place.
Spending time, money and effort to test something that nobody ends up using is a waste of time.
For the past couple of years, I’ve been thinking about, and working on, a concept called pretotyping.
What is pretotyping? Here’s a somewhat formal definition – the dry and boring kind you’d find in a dictionary:
Pretotyping [pree-tuh-tahy-ping], verb: Testing the initial appeal and actual usage of a potential new product by simulating its core experience with the smallest possible investment of time and money.
Here’s a less formal definition:
Pretotyping is a way to test an idea quickly and inexpensively by creating extremely simplified, mocked or virtual versions of that product to help validate the premise that "If we build it, they will use it."
My favorite definition of pretotyping, however, is this:
Make sure – as quickly and as cheaply as you can – that you are building the right it before you build it right.
My thinking on pretotyping evolved from my positive experiences with Agile and Test Driven Development. Pretotyping applies some of the core ideas from these two models and applies them further
in the development cycle.
I’ve just finished writing the first draft of a booklet on pretotyping called “Pretotype It”.
You can download a PDF of the booklet from
Google Docs
The "Pretotype It" booklet is itself a pretotype and test. I wrote this first-draft to test my (possibly optimistic) assumption that people would be interested in it, so please let me know what you think of it.
You can follow my pretotyping work on
my pretotyping blog
Post content
Posted by Alberto Savoia
Keynote Lineup for GTAC 2011
Monday, August 01, 2011
By James Whittaker
The call for proposals and participation is now closed. Over the next few weeks we will be announcing the full agenda and notifying accepted participants. In the meantime, the keynote lineup is now locked. It consists of two famous Googlers and two famous external speakers that I am very pleased to have join us.
Opening Keynote:
Test is Dead
Alberto Savoia
The way most software is designed, developed and launched has changed dramatically over the last decade – but what about testing? Alberto Savoia believes that software testing as we knew it is dead – or at least moribund – in which case we should stick a fork in it and proactively take it out of its misery for good. In this opening keynote of biblical scope, Alberto will cast stones at the old test-mentality and will try his darnedest to agitate you and convince you that these days most testers should follow a new test-mentality, one which includes shifting their focus and priority from “Are we building it right?” to “Are we building the right it?” The subtitle of this year’s GTAC is “cloudy with a chance of tests,” and if anyone can gather the clouds into a hurricane, it's Alberto – it might be wise to bring your umbrella.
Alberto Savoia is Director of Engineering and Innovation Agitator at Google. In addition to leading several major product development efforts (including the launch of Google AdWords), Alberto has been a lifelong believer, champion, innovator and entrepreneur in the area of developer testing and test automation tools. He is a frequent keynote speaker and the author of many articles on testing, including the classic booklet “The Way of Testivus” and “Beautiful Tests” in O’Reilly’s Beautiful Code. His work in software development tools has won him several awards including the 2005 Wall Street Journal Technical Innovator Award, InfoWorld’s Technology of the Year award, and no less than four Software Development Magazine Jolt Awards.
Day 1 Closer:
Redefining Security Vulnerabilities: How Attackers See Bugs
Herbert H. Thompson
Developers see features, testers see bugs, and attackers see “opportunities.” Those opportunities are expanding beyond buffer overflows, cross site scripting, etc. into logical bugs (and features) that allow attackers to use the information they find to exploit trusting users. For example, attackers can leverage a small information disclosure issue in an elaborate phishing attempt. When you add people in the mix, we need to reevaluate which “bugs” are actual security vulnerabilities. This talk is loaded with real world examples of how attackers are using software “features” and information tidbits (many of which come from bugs) to exploit the biggest weakness of all: trusting users.
Dr. Herbert H. Thompson is Chief Security Strategist at People Security and a world-renown expert in application security. He has co-authored four books on the topic including, How to Break Software Security: Effective Techniques for Security Testing (with Dr. James Whittaker) and The Software Vulnerability Guide (with Scott Chase). In 2006 he was named one of the “Top 5 Most Influential Thinkers in IT Security” by SC Magazine. Thompson continually lends his perspective and expertise on secure software development and has been interviewed by top news organizations including CNN, MSNBC, BusinessWeek, Forbes, Associated Press, and the Washington Post. He is also Program Committee Chair for RSA Conference, the world’s leading information security gathering. He holds a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Florida Institute of Technology, and is an adjunct professor in the Computer Science department at Columbia University in New York.
Day 2 Opener:
Engineering Productivity: Accelerating Google Since 2006
Patrick Copeland
Patrick Copeland is the founder and architect of Google's testing and productivity strategy and in this "mini keynote" he tells the story and relates the pain of taking a company from ad hoc testing practices to the pinnacle of what can be accomplished with a well oiled test engineering discipline.
Conference Closer:
Secrets of World-Class Software Organizations
Steve McConnell
Construx consultants work with literally hundreds of software organizations each year. Among these organizations a few stand out as being truly world class. They are exceptional in their ability to meet their software development goals and exceptional in the contribution they make to their companies' overall business success. Do world class software organizations operate differently than average organizations? In Construx's experience, the answer is a resounding "YES." In this talk, award-winning author Steve McConnell reveals the technical, management, business, and cultural secrets that make a software organization world class.
Steve McConnell is CEO and Chief Software Engineer at Construx Software where he consults to a broad range of industries, teaches seminars, and oversees Construx’s software engineering practices. Steve is the author of Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (2006), Code Complete (1993, 2004), Rapid Development (1996), Software Project Survival Guide (1998), and Professional Software Development (2004), as well as numerous technical articles. His books have won numerous awards for "Best Book of the Year," and readers of Software Development magazine named him one of the three most influential people in the software industry along with Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds.
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How We Tested Google Instant Pages
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
By Jason Arbon and Tejas Shah
Google Instant Pages
are a cool new way that Google speeds up your search experience. When Google thinks it knows which result you are likely to click, it preloads that page in the background, so when you click the page it renders instantly, saving the user about 5 seconds. 5 seconds is significant when you think of how many searches are performed each day--and especially when you consider that the rest of the search experience is optimized for sub-second performance.
The testing problem here is interesting. This feature requires client and server coordination, and since we are pre-loading and rendering the pages in an invisible background page, we wanted to make sure that nothing major was broken with the page rendering.
The original idea was for developers to test out a few pages as they went.But, this doesn’t scale to a large number of sites and is very expensive to repeat. Also, how do you know what the pages should look like? To write Selenium tests to functionally validate thousands of sites would take forever--the product would ship first. The solution was to perform automated test runs that load these pages from search results with Instant Pages turned on, and another run with Instant Pages turned off. The page renderings from each run were then compared.
How did we compare the two runs? How to compare pages when content and ads on web pages are constantly changing and we don't know what the expected behavior is? We could have used cached versions of these pages, but that wouldn’t be the realworld experience we were testing and would take time setting up, and the timing would have been different. We opted to leverage some other work that compares pages using the Document Object Model (DOM). We automatically scan each page, pixel by pixel, but look at what element is visible at the point on the page, not the color/RGB values. We then do a simple measure of how closely these pixel measurements match. These so-called "quality bots" generate a score of 0-100%, where 100% means all measurements were identical.
When we performed the runs, the vast majority (~95%) of all comparisons were almost identical, like we hoped. Where the pages where different we built a web page that showed the differences between the two pages by rendering both images and highlighting the difference. It was quick and easy for the developers to visually verify that the differences were only due to content or other non-structural differences in the rendering. Anytime test automation scales, is repeatable, quantified, and developers can validate the results without us is a good thing!
How did this testing get organized? As with many things in testing at Google, it came down to people chatting and realizing their work can be helpful for other engineers. This was bottom up, not top down. Tejas Shah was working on a general quality bot solution for compatibility (more on that in later posts) between Chrome and other browsers. He chatted with the Instant Pages developers when he was visiting their building and they agreed his bot might be able to help. He then spend the next couple of weeks pulling it all together and sharing the results with the team.
And now more applications of the quality bot are surfacing. What if we kept the browser version fixed, and only varied the version of the application? Could this help validate web applications independent of a functional spec and without custom validation script development and maintenance? Stay tuned...
GTAC: Call for Team Attendance
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Attending conferences can be a great way to network and learn new concepts. However, taking those concepts back to your office and trying to convince your team apply them can be daunting. In order to make GTAC attendees more successful at implementing what they learn at this conference we are going to give preference to teammates from the same company applying for attendance. Bring another developer or tester (or two or three) and attend as a team so you can discuss what you learn and experience, hopefully increasing your chances of putting it into practice when you return to work.
We're extending the deadline for attendees until the end of July to give you a chance to round up some teammates.
Google at STAR West 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
By James Whittaker
STAR West will feature something unprecedented this year: back-to-back tutorials by Googlers plus a keynote and track session.
The tutorials will be Monday October 3. I have the morning session on "How Google Tests Software" and my colleague Ankit Mehta has the afternoon session on "Testing Rich Internet AJAX-based Applications." You can spend the whole day in Google Test Land.
I highly recommend Ankit's tutorial. He is one of our top test managers and has spent years minding Gmail as it grew up from a simple cloud-based email system into the mass-scale, ubiquitous rich web app that it is today. Ankit now leads all testing efforts around our social offerings (which are already starting to appear). Anyone struggling to automate the testing of rich web apps will have plenty to absorb in his session. He's not spouting conjecture and generalities; he's speaking from the position of actual accomplishment. Bring a laptop.
Jason Arbon and Sebastian Schiavone are presenting a track talk on "Google's New Methodology for Risk Driven Testing" and will be demonstrating some of the latest tools coming out of Google Test Labs. Tools that were born of real need built to serve that need. I am expecting free samples! Jason was test lead for Chrome and Chrome OS before taking over Google Test Labs where incredibly clever code is woven into useful test tools. Sebastian is none other than my TPM (technical program manager) who is well known for taking my vague ideas about how things should be done and making them real.
Oh and the keynote, well that's me again, something about testing getting in the way of quality. I wrote this talk while I was in an especially melancholy mood about my place in the universe. It's a wake-up call to testers: the world is changing and your relevance is calling ... will you answer the call or ignore it and pretend that yesterday is still today?
Lessons in a 21st Century Tech Career: Failing Fast, 20% Time and Project Mobility
Thursday, June 23, 2011
By James Whittaker
If your name is Larry Page, stop reading this now.
Let me first admit that as I write this I am sitting in a company lounge reminiscent of a gathering room in a luxury hotel with my belly full of free gourmet food waiting for a meeting with the lighthearted title "Beer and Demos" to start.
Let me secondly admit that none of this matters. It's all very nice, and I hope it continues in perpetuity, but it doesn't matter. Engineers don't need to be spoiled rotten to be happy. The spoiling of engineers has little to do with the essence of a 21st century tech career.
Now, what exactly does matter? What is the essence of a 21st century tech career that keeps employees loyal and engaged with productivity that would shame the most seasoned agile-ist? I don't yet have the complete story, but here are three important ingredients:
Failing Fast
. Nothing destroys morale more than a death march. Projects going nowhere
should do so with the utmost haste
. The ability of a company to implode pet projects quickly correlates directly to a great place to work. Engineers working on these project gain not only valuable engineering experience, they experience first-hand the company's perception of what is important (and, in the case of their project, what is not important). It's a built-in lesson on company priorities and it ensures good engineers don't get monopolized by purposeless projects. You gotta like a company willing to experiment. You have to love a company willing to laugh at itself when the experiments don't pan out.
20% Time
. Any company worth working for has any number of projects that are worth working on. It's frustrating for many super-sharding engineers to see cool work going on down the hall or in the next building and not being part of it. A day job that takes all day is tiresome. Enter 20% time, a concept meant to send a strong message to all engineers:
you always have a spare day
. Use it wisely.
Project Mobility
. Staying fresh by changing projects is part of mobility. Continuous cycling of fresh ideas from new project members to existing projects is another part. The downside here is obviously projects with a steep learning curve but I scoff in the general direction of this idea. Whose fault is it when a wicked smart engineer can't learn the system fast enough to be useful in some (even a small) context? Only the weakest organization with the poorest documentation can use that excuse. The only good reason for keeping people on a project is because they have no desire to leave.
These three concepts are better than all the lounges and free food any company can provide. Here's an example, a real example, of how it worked recently for an employee I'll call Paul (because that happens to be his name!).
Paul joined Google a little over a year ago and spent two months on a project that was then cancelled. He learned enough to be useful anywhere but was new enough that he really didn't have great context on what project he wanted next. Solution: I assigned him to a project that was a good skill set match.
Less than a year later, his new project ships. He played an important role in making this happen but in that time he also realized that the role was leaning toward feature development and he was more interested in a pure test development role. However, he was steeped in post-ship duties and working on the next release. A cycle that, happily, can be broken pretty easily here.
Another project had a test developer opening that suited Paul perfectly. He immediately signed up for 20% on this new project and spent his 80% ramping down in his old project. At some point these percentages will trade places and he'll spend 20% of his time training his replacement on the old project. This is a friction-less process. His manager cannot deny him
his day
to do as he pleases and now he can spend his time getting off the critical path of his old project and onto the critical path of his new project.
Mobility means a constant stream of openings on projects inside Google. It also creates a population of engineering talent with an array of project experiences and a breadth of expertise to fill those positions. 20% time is a mechanism for moving onto and off of projects without formal permissions, interviews and other make-work processes engineers deplore.
Let's face it, most benefits are transient. I enjoy a good meal for the time it is in front of me. I enjoy great medical when I am sick. I appreciate luxury when I have time for it. Even my paycheck comes with such monotonous regularity that it is an expectation that brings little joy apart from the brief moment my bank balance takes that joyful upward tick. But if I am unhappy the rest of the day, none of those islands of pampering mean squat. Empower me as an engineer during the much larger blocks of my time when I am doing engineering. Feed my creativity. Remove the barriers that prevent me from working on the things I want to work on.
Do these things and you have me. Do these things and you make my entire work day better. This is the essence of a 21st century tech career:
make the hours I spend working better
. Anything more is so dot com.
Ok, Larry you can start reading again.
Introducing DOM Snitch, our passive in-the-browser reconnaissance tool
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
By Radoslav Vasilev from Google Zurich
Every day modern web applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and as their complexity grows so does their attack surface. Previously we introduced open source tools such as
to assist developers in understanding and securing these applications.
As existing tools focus mostly on testing server-side code, today we are happy to introduce
DOM Snitch
— an experimental* Chrome extension that enables developers and testers to identify insecure practices commonly found in client-side code. To do this, we have adopted
several approaches
to intercepting JavaScript calls to key and potentially dangerous browser infrastructure such as document.write or HTMLElement.innerHTML (among
). Once a JavaScript call has been intercepted, DOM Snitch records the document URL and a complete stack trace that will help assess if the intercepted call can lead to cross-site scripting, mixed content, insecure modifications to the
same-origin policy for DOM access
, or other client-side issues.
Here are the benefits of DOM Snitch:
Developers can observe DOM modifications as they happen inside the browser without the need to step through JavaScript code with a debugger or pause the execution of their application.
Easy to use:
With built-in
security heuristics
and nested views, both advanced and less experienced developers and testers can quickly spot areas of the application being tested that need more attention.
Easier collaboration:
Enables developers to easily export and share captured DOM modifications while troubleshooting an issue with their peers.
DOM Snitch is intended for use by developers, testers, and security researchers alike.
Click here
to download DOM Snitch. To read the documentation, please visit
this page
*Developers and testers should be aware that DOM Snitch is currently experimental. We do not guarantee that it will work flawlessly for all web applications. More details on known issues can be found
or in the project’s
issues tracker
No comments
GTAC 2011 Keynotes
Thursday, June 16, 2011
By James Whittaker
I am pleased to confirm 3 of our keynote speakers for GTAC 2011 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View CA.
Google's own
Alberto Savoia
, aka Testivus.
Steve McConnell
the best selling author of
Code Complete
and CEO of Construx Software.
Award winning speaker ("the Jon Stewart of Software Security")
Hugh Thompson
This is the start of an incredible lineup. Stay tuned for updates concerning their talks and continue to nominate additional speakers and keynotes. We're not done yet and we're taking nominations through mid July.
In addition to the keynotes, we're going to be giving updates on How Google Tests Software from teams across the company including Android, Chrome, Gmail, You Tube and many more.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
(Cross-posted from the
Google Engineering Tools blog
By Pooja Gupta, Mark Ivey and John Penix
Continuous integration systems play a crucial role in keeping software working while it is being developed. The basic steps most continuous integration systems follow are:
1. Get the latest copy of the code.
2. Run all tests.
3. Report results.
4. Repeat 1-3.
This works great while the codebase is small, code flux is reasonable and tests are fast. As a codebase grows over time, the effectiveness of such a system decreases. As more code is added, each clean run takes much longer and more changes gets crammed into a single run. If something breaks, finding and backing out the bad change is a tedious and error prone task for development teams.
Software development at
Google is big and fast
. The code base receives
20+ code changes per minute and 50% of the files change every month
! Each product is developed and released from ‘head’ relying on automated tests verifying the product behavior. Release frequency varies from multiple times per day to once every few weeks, depending on the product team.
With such a huge, fast-moving codebase, it is possible for teams to get stuck spending a lot of time just keeping their build ‘green’. A continuous integration system should help by providing the
change at which a test started failing, instead of a range of suspect changes or doing a lengthy binary-search for the offending change. To find the exact change that broke a test, we could run every test at every change, but that would be very expensive.
To solve this problem, we built a continuous integration system that uses dependency analysis to determine all the tests a change transitively affects and then runs only those tests for every change. The system is built on top of Google’s cloud computing infrastructure enabling many builds to be executed concurrently, allowing the system to run affected tests as soon as a change is submitted.
Here is an example where our system can provide faster and more precise feedback than a traditional continuous build. In this scenario, there are two tests and three changes that affect these tests. The gmail_server_tests are broken by the second change, however a typical continuous integration system will only be able to tell that either change #2 or change #3 caused this test to fail. By using concurrent builds, we can launch tests without waiting for the current build/test cycle to finish. Dependency analysis limits the number of tests executed for each change, so that in this example, the total number of test executions is the same as before.
Let’s look deeper into how we perform the dependency analysis.
We maintain an in-memory graph of coarse-grained dependencies between various tests and build rules across the entire codebase. This graph, several GBs in-memory, is kept up-to-date with each change that gets checked in. This allows us to transitively determine all tests that depend on the code modified in a given change and hence need to be re-run to know the current state of the build. Let’s walk through an example.
Consider two sample projects, each containing a different set of tests:
where the build dependency graph looks like this:
We will see how two isolated code changes, at different depths of the dependency tree, are analyzed to determine affected tests, that is the minimal set of tests that needs to be run to ensure that both Gmail and Buzz projects are “green”.
Case1: Change in common library
For first scenario, consider a change that modifies files in
As soon as this change is submitted, we start a breadth-first search to find all tests that depend on it.
Once all the direct dependencies are found, continue BFS to collect all transitive dependencies till we reach all the leaf nodes.
When done, we have all the tests that need to be run, and can calculate the projects that will need to update their overall status based on results from these tests.
Case2: Change in a dependent project:
When a change modifying files in
is submitted.
We perform the same analysis to conclude that only
is affected and status of Buzz project needs to be updated:
The example above illustrates how we optimize the number of tests run per change without sacrificing the accuracy of end results for a project. A lesser number of tests run per change allows us to run all
tests for every change that gets checked in, making it easier for a developer to detect and deal with an offending change.
Use of smart tools and cloud computing infrastructure in the continuous integration system makes it fast and reliable. While we are constantly working on making improvements to this system, thousands of Google projects are already using it to launch-and-iterate quickly and hence making faster user-visible progress.
James Whittaker
Misko Hevery
Code Health
Anthony Vallone
Patrick Copeland
Andrew Trenk
Patrik Höglund
Allen Hutchison
George Pirocanac
Zhanyong Wan
Harry Robinson
Julian Harty
Adam Bender
Alberto Savoia
Ben Yu
Erik Kuefler
Philip Zembrod
Shyam Seshadri
Dillon Bly
John Thomas
Lesley Katzen
Marc Kaplan
Markus Clermont
Max Kanat-Alexander
Sonal Shah
Abhishek Arya
Alan Myrvold
Alek Icev
April Fools
Chaitali Narla
Chris Lewis
Chrome OS
Diego Salas
Dori Reuveni
Jason Arbon
Jochen Wuttke
Kostya Serebryany
Marc Eaddy
Marko Ivanković
Oliver Chang
Simon Stewart
Stefan Kennedy
Test Flakiness
Titus Winters
Tony Voellm
Yiming Sun
Yvette Nameth
Zuri Kemp
Aaron Jacobs
Adam Porter
Adam Raider
Adel Saoud
Alan Faulkner
Alex Eagle
Amy Fu
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Antoine Picard
App Engine
Ari Shamash
Arif Sukoco
Benjamin Pick
Bob Nystrom
Bruce Leban
Carlos Arguelles
Carlos Israel Ortiz García
Cathal Weakliam
Christopher Semturs
Clay Murphy
Dagang Wei
Dan Maksimovich
Dan Shi
Dan Willemsen
Dave Chen
Dave Gladfelter
David Bendory
David Mandelberg
Derek Snyder
Diego Cavalcanti
Dmitry Vyukov
Eduardo Bravo Ortiz
Ekaterina Kamenskaya
Elliott Karpilovsky
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Felipe Sodré
Francois Aube
Gene Volovich
Goran Petrovic
Goranka Bjedov
Hank Duan
Havard Rast Blok
Hongfei Ding
Jason Elbaum
Jason Huggins
Jay Han
Jeff Hoy
Jeff Listfield
Jessica Tomechak
Jim Reardon
Joe Allan Muharsky
Joel Hynoski
John Micco
John Penix
Jonathan Rockway
Jonathan Velasquez
Josh Armour
Julie Ralph
Kai Kent
Kanu Tewary
Karin Lundberg
Kaue Silveira
Kevin Bourrillion
Kevin Graney
Kurt Alfred Kluever
Manjusha Parvathaneni
Marek Kiszkis
Marius Latinis
Mark Ivey
Mark Manley
Mark Striebeck
Matt Lowrie
Meredith Whittaker
Michael Bachman
Michael Klepikov
Mike Aizatsky
Mike Wacker
Mona El Mahdy
Noel Yap
Palak Bansal
Patricia Legaspi
Per Jacobsson
Peter Arrenbrecht
Peter Spragins
Phil Norman
Phil Rollet
Pooja Gupta
Project Showcase
Radoslav Vasilev
Rajat Dewan
Rajat Jain
Rich Martin
Richard Bustamante
Roshan Sembacuttiaratchy
Ruslan Khamitov
Sam Lee
Sean Jordan
Sebastian Dörner
Sharon Zhou
Shiva Garg
Siddartha Janga
Simran Basi
Stan Chan
Stephen Ng
Tejas Shah
Test Analytics
Test Engineer
Tim Lyakhovetskiy
Tom O'Neill
Vojta Jína
dead code
mutation testing
RPF: Google's Record Playback Framework
GTAC Videos Now Available
ScriptCover makes Javascript coverage analysis easy
Google Test Analytics - Now in Open Source
Google JS Test, now in Open Source
Take a BITE out of Bugs and Redundant Labor
Unleash the QualityBots
Announcing the Final GTAC Agenda
The 10 Minute Test Plan
Google Developer Day 2011
GTAC Speakers and Attendees Finalized
Pretotyping: A Different Type of Testing
Keynote Lineup for GTAC 2011
How We Tested Google Instant Pages
GTAC: Call for Team Attendance
Google at STAR West 2011
Lessons in a 21st Century Tech Career: Failing Fas...
Introducing DOM Snitch, our passive in-the-browser...
GTAC 2011 Keynotes
(Cross-posted from the Google Engineering Tools b...
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