We are thrilled to announce that GTAC 2010 keynotes are finalized. We are very fortunate to have three world-renowned software testing icons: Robert Binder, Dr. Jeff Offutt and Dr. James Whittaker. Robert, Jeff and James bring to GTAC a powerful combination of practical and theoretical experience to help us address key aspect of this year's theme: Test to Testability. Robert will kick-off Day 1 with a keynote on the critical role of testability. On Day 2, Jeff will share his experiences on Automatic Test Generation from source code and about a technique he invented, Bypass Testing, for black-box testing of web applications. James will close the conference with a keynote focusing on the Test(ing) challenges and how to get ahead of them. More details on the specifics of their talk coming soon!

Here are brief bios of our esteemed speakers:

Robert Binder
Robert V. Binder is a software entrepreneur and technologist with over 34 years of systems engineering experience. His 1994 analysis of software testability http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=184077 has had a continuing influence on research and practice in this area. As principal of System Verification Associates, he leads teams that deliver advanced IT assurance solutions. He was recently awarded a U.S. Patent for a unique approach to model-based testing of mobile systems. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Software Testing, Verification, and Review and internationally recognized as the author of the definitive Testing Object-Oriented Systems: Models, Patterns, and Tools. Robert holds an MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a MBA from the University of Chicago. He is an IEEE Senior Member.

Dr. Jeff Offutt
Dr. Jeff Offutt is Professor of Software Engineering at George Mason University. He has invented numerous test strategies, published over 120 refereed research papers, and is co-author of the textbook Introduction to Software Testing. He is editor-in-chief of Wiley's journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability; steering committee chair for the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation; and program chair for ICST 2009. He has consulted with numerous companies on software testing, usability, and software intellectual property issues. Offutt is on the web at http://www.cs.gmu.edu/~offutt/

Dr. James Whittaker
Dr. Whittaker is currently the Engineering Director over engineering tools and testing for Google's Seattle and Kirkland offices. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Tennessee and is the author or coauthor of four acclaimed textbooks. How to Break Software, How to Break Software Security (with Hugh Thompson) and How to Break Web Software (with Mike Andrews). His latest is Exploratory Software Testing: Tips, Tricks, Tours and Techniques to Guide Test Design and he's authored over fifty peer-reviewed papers on software development and computer security. He holds patents on various inventions in software testing and defensive security applications and has attracted millions in funding, sponsorship, and license agreements while a professor at Florida Tech. He has also served as a testing and security consultant for dozens of companies and spent 3 years as an architect at Microsoft.

Reminder: Call for proposals
If you would like to present at this year’s GTAC please remember to submit your proposal by the July 9th deadline. Please visit http://www.gtac.biz/call-for-proposals for details.

Sujay Sahni for the GTAC 2010 Committee