by Erik Kuefler

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office. ...
by Erik Kuefler

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

Unit tests are important tools for verifying that our code is correct. But writing good tests is about much more than just verifying correctness — a good unit test should exhibit several other properties in order to be readable and maintainable.

One property of a good test is clarity. Clarity means that a test should serve as readable documentation for humans, describing the code being tested in terms of its public APIs. Tests shouldn't refer directly to implementation details. The names of a class's tests should say everything the class does, and the tests themselves should serve as examples for how to use the class.

Two more important properties are completeness and conciseness. A test is complete when its body contains all of the information you need to understand it, and concise when it doesn't contain any other distracting information. This test fails on both counts:

@Test public void shouldPerformAddition() {
  Calculator calculator = new Calculator(new RoundingStrategy(), 
      "unused", ENABLE_COSIN_FEATURE, 0.01, calculusEngine, false);
  int result = calculator.doComputation(makeTestComputation());
  assertEquals(5, result); // Where did this number come from?

Lots of distracting information is being passed to the constructor, and the important parts are hidden off in a helper method. The test can be made more complete by clarifying the purpose of the helper method, and more concise by using another helper to hide the irrelevant details of constructing the calculator:

@Test public void shouldPerformAddition() {
  Calculator calculator = newCalculator();
  int result = calculator.doComputation(makeAdditionComputation(2, 3));
  assertEquals(5, result);

One final property of a good test is resilience. Once written, a resilient test doesn't have to change unless the purpose or behavior of the class being tested changes. Adding new behavior should only require adding new tests, not changing old ones. The original test above isn't resilient since you'll have to update it (and probably dozens of other tests!) whenever you add a new irrelevant constructor parameter. Moving these details into the helper method solved this problem.

by Hongfei Ding, Software Engineer, Shanghai

Mockito is a popular open source Java testing framework that allows the creation of mock objects. For example, we have the below interface used in our SUT (System Under Test) ...
by Hongfei Ding, Software Engineer, Shanghai

Mockito is a popular open source Java testing framework that allows the creation of mock objects. For example, we have the below interface used in our SUT (System Under Test):
interface Service {
  Data get();

In our test, normally we want to fake the Service’s behavior to return canned data, so that the unit test can focus on testing the code that interacts with the Service. We use when-return clause to stub a method.

But sometimes you need mock object behavior that's too complex for when-return. An Answer object can be a clean way to do this once you get the syntax right.

A common usage of Answer is to stub asynchronous methods that have callbacks. For example, we have mocked the interface below:
interface Service {
  void get(Callback callback);

Here you’ll find that when-return is not that helpful anymore. Answer is the replacement. For example, we can emulate a success by calling the onSuccess function of the callback.
doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
    public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
       Callback callback = (Callback) invocation.getArguments()[0];
       return null;

Answer can also be used to make smarter stubs for synchronous methods. Smarter here means the stub can return a value depending on the input, rather than canned data. It’s sometimes quite useful. For example, we have mocked the Translator interface below:
interface Translator {
  String translate(String msg);

We might choose to mock Translator to return a constant string and then assert the result. However, that test is not thorough, because the input to the translator function has been ignored. To improve this, we might capture the input and do extra verification, but then we start to fall into the “testing interaction rather than testing state” trap.

A good usage of Answer is to reverse the input message as a fake translation. So that both things are assured by checking the result string: 1) translate has been invoked, 2) the msg being translated is correct. Notice that this time we’ve used thenAnswer syntax, a twin of doAnswer, for stubbing a non-void method.
// extracted a method to put a descriptive name
private static Answer<String> reverseMsg() { 
  return new Answer<String>() {
    public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
       return reverseString((String) invocation.getArguments()[0]));

Last but not least, if you find yourself writing many nontrivial Answers, you should consider using a fake instead.